COPE Network is a Social Enterprise
What does that mean? We are a business that operates with social change at the forefront. We're providing services and products that help youth navigate life's daily stressors and combat mental stigma. We're most proud that our business funds various mental health initiatives that take place regularly in Cleveland and surrounding suburbs.

COPE Weekend
COPE Weekend was created in 2021 as a means of helping Cleveland-area students prepare to transition back to in-person learning after nearly two years of virtual learning. Last year, we empowered 50+ Cleveland youth to improve communication skills, build self-confidence, and adopt healthy ways of coping with life’s daily stressors before returning to school.
During this free, three-day event (in which all supplies and materials will be provided), students learned various methods of healthy coping through physical movement & artistic expression, connected with grassroots organizations providing support through the school year, and given school supplies and Coping Boxes.

Coping Box Donations
Our goal is to donate up to 30 free Youth Coping Boxes on a monthly basis. Coping Boxes and mental health educational materials are given to local resource closet and and community events.
Special thanks to our community partners are working to spreading our reach and increasing youth access to mental health services.